Oklahoma Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Practice Areas
“WE PROTECT THOSE THAT CANNOT PROTECT THEMSELVES”…Nursing home abuse comes in many forms, and Greer and McGill, Oklahoma Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers, are here to help. Although the most frequent types of abuse involve bed sores, falls, and isolation abuse, abuse can also include:
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Burns and scalding transfers
- Dropped residents during transfers
- PEG tube and catheter care neglect
- Lack of pain management
- Failure to administer medication properly
- Failure to clean the resident
- Choking
- Stolen Property
- Missing Money
- Unexplained bruising or broken bones
- Unexplained skin tears
These events are all indicative of a nursing home staff that is indifferent to your loved one or recklessly and/or intentionally abuses the resident.
Resident to Resident Abuse
A growing cause of injuries in nursing homes results from resident to resident abuse. All too often, the nursing home chooses to keep a resident in the facility, even though the nursing home knows that this resident poses a threat to other residents and to himself. The abuse by residents can involve both physical and sexual abuse.
The reason many nursing homes allow dangerous residents to remain is clear: many nursing homes need to fill their beds with residents, even dangerous nursing home residents, to increase that nursing home’s revenue. One can argue, profits drive nursing home owners; not resident care and safety.
Negligent Staffing
Staffing costs are the single highest expense for nursing homes owners. In order to reduce this cost, entry level nursing home positions, many times, are for minimum wage. These positions involve direct care to the residents, at times. Improper and negligent screening by nursing home owners of prospective employees result in direct care givers for your loved one, possessing a criminal, suspect or violent past. Yet, they are hired and expose your loved one to physical, mental and emotional abuse.
If you or someone you know has experienced any of these events, contact GREER & MCGILL P.C. immediately!